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Working Live

Armed with experience and the knowledge of Stagecraft 


"As a true leader, at every performance I connect and engage my audience".


It is Craig's view that every person attending his performces deserves to be entertained for giving their time being there.


"Spontaneity... I thrive on the unpridictabity of what happens next".

No set lists are made.  Craig has developed and incorporated the art of "Live Programming"

selecting the right song for the moment.  A process that keeps bandmembers on thier toes and the audience engaged with the music customised for each event.




There has been more than 90 musicians that have worked with Craig in the 22 years of his band "The Brothers of Oz".


One of the key features that make this band so unique is there are no rehearsals.  There is a great selection of songs that most of the musicians would know.

 Given a likely selection of songs that may get played. Every musician is freely given the opportunity to creatively express themselves and bring their unique talent to the show.  

It is this freedom of entertating that makes "The Brothers of Oz" so unique.

This segment should show the current band members that you have in the band and also give an outline of their bio.

This link is a way to direct people to your facebook page so that you can manage the images and legacy of your performances.

Band Members
History of shows



An artist's credibility is also definded by the endorsements offered by brands wanting to align themselves.


and clinics


This paragraph should outline why you play the gear you do. Types of styles you play and the calibre of musicians you work with.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec laoreet semper mauris id porta. Cras eu risus nec odio fringilla porta faucibus nec massa. Pellentesque finibus placerat maximus. Quisque eleifend viverra lorem, non euismod lectus sagittis vel. Maecenas sodales lectus et cursus mattis. In vel risus tellus. Nullam tristique eros sed ligula fringilla, a viverra est semper. Suspendisse at tristique ligula, quis aliquet lectus.


Quisque eleifend viverra lorem, non euismod lectus sagittis vel. Maecenas sodales lectus et cursus mattis. In vel risus tellus. Nullam tristique eros sed ligula fringilla, a viverra est semper. Suspendisse at tristique ligula, quis aliquet lectus.

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